Sibby's Notizen

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18 November 2008

I'm on a mission. I really think I've rededicated myself to getting to MY final goal. I have about 7 lbs to go for the personal goal I set for myself. I AM going to get there by Christmas!!! I SO want my weight to be in the 120's! I'd take 129.9lbs!! I can't remember when I've been there...high school? Heck, probably JR. HI!!! HAHA!
One thing I'm GOING to cut out of my diet is coffee creamer...OMG!! Did I just say that?! Holy Schnikey's! I think the earth just coffee w/out creamer? AWAHHHHH?? (eyes staring blankly into space, mouth open ever so slightly) -sigh- ok, I can do this...right? AUGH!!
It's getting a bit frigid outside now a days...I don't see that as a reason NOT to get out there...doesn't shivering burn MORE calories than not?'s a plan...FULL STEAM AHEAD!!! (The steam is the HEAT leaving my body out the top of my head as it's 20
Ok, I'm off to get motivated to sit on the couch for the rest of the night..haha (it is late already)...and get another cup of NON-CREAMERIZED Java in me and off to bed!
Hugs to y' FS supporters!! Gotta luv ya!!!!

14 November 2008

Long time no journal I'd say, eh?
Let's I look around the FS site here I see many things happening. I see some really, really doing SO well on their 'habits to wellness'...ROCK ON TO YOU ALL!! I must say I've not been follow along like a little angel,(that I am ya know...NOT!), but the scale is nice to me so I'll leave it at that.
I see some really constructive words dished out there. Some that really inspire to help those along or to make one smile and laugh at the humor (best medicine, that humor is sometimes) GOTTA LOVE IT! AND I DO!! I've gotten some really 'not so nice' comments on my journal that I KNOW is not being they're not. Not sure what's up with that...the 'know it all's' that make you feel bad on purpose I think sometimes...not sure where they come off, but ya know what...I figure it's really their problem...I don't make them read my journal...and the good Lord knows I'm not here to spread nasty around so...PAALEEASE, people, be nice to each other. All in good fun is GREAT and I LOVE it!! I love jokes, little stabs and me are 'a-okay'...but if you think you wanna spread your 'know it all' all over me and fill my spirit with nasty well...sorry, ya missed.
That's the main reason I've not been around as much.
I SO SO SO miss my best buddies here!!! MB, BadA,Leesah, 08, Dr etc...ya'll know who you are...Hugs to ya...HUGS TO ALL MY BUDDIES that rock and keep me movin' in the right direction...keep me focused and my spirit high! I love you guys!
Thanks for listening to me sound off...if you didn't like my sounding off...well...nutha story.

19 Oktober 2008

Ok...quick journal for a late Sunday night...thanks to the bantering by some of my buddys....HAHA!!
Been a crazy crazy last few weeks here. Diet being one of them. I'm feeling a bit vulnerable on the diet front. Like I'm being bombarded by bad food choices. I know I do not do well some days..and then I think 'tomorrow or RIGHT NOW' I'll do better...and then NOPE! In pops a chip or some other cr*p and it's a downward slippery slope of bad food choices...I seriously need to buckle down here and watch it or I'm doomed. Seriously, I am. I've been here before... I think most of us do SO SO well and then all it take is a bad food day followed by another and another....and SMACK I'm back to 'feeling chubs and icky'...I don't wanna be there...I don't want to...I have to get my 'ducks in a row' here...I have to...I WILL! right? ahhh geez....Someone throw me a life preserver...I'm going under...glug..glug...

My best to you fs buddys...I miss y'all and can't wait until things (work) around here quite down so I can catch up again with you all. HUGS!! SIBS!

01 Oktober 2008

Ok...Went to my WI yesterday...mind you I feel like (insert expletive here)! NOT a complainer so I'm not gonna go there...~~sneeze, sniffle, wheeze, snort~~ PUREL~~~HA!!
So...Again, I get up there for my monthly WI...blahblah...Now, I did SO well these past few days...Ok, who am I kidding...I get 110% dedicated to weight loss when I have to go WI a few days before. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME?!! Augh! I KNOW I can lose these last 5-10 lbs..I'm just slackin' off! GRRRR to me! I SO wanna be "my" goal weight! But do I? I mean I sabotage myself...everyone around me tells me "you're doing so well!"..."way to go" it's like I think, 'I've been eating crappy and they still think I'm doing well, I must be able to eat crappy then, no? NO NO NOT NOT!! Where's that whip 'cuz I need to start crackin' it!! and HARD! HA!
I WILL show them at WW next month that I am 'on track'...I WILL show it to myself that I can do it and ACTUALLY start exercising again...I WILL get my journal smeared with entries from my buddies telling me to do it 'or else'...LOL!!
Ok...I'm done ranting and I'm off to drink my water and count my points...~sigh~ I mean YIIPPIEE!!
Oh...and I'm up 1 lb. at my meeting...this morning I'm down 1.2 lbs...whats up with that? So it's still 136?? I mean how do I mark that on my chart? I don't normally weigh myself everyday...hummm...I don't wanna start that again... I use to do that and broke that habit...when I do weigh myself on Tuesdays it's in the morning with 'not a lot on' and at WW it's at night...So I think I'm just gonna leave my chart and call it a wash :o)!!
Ok...gotta fly! I figure if I just forget about 'not being well' I'll be well, right?? LOL Mind over matter I say!! Or is it coffee over powers a cold??? HUMMMMM?????
Best of day's to y'all!!

28 September 2008

Quick journal for a Sunday night...Weekend was pretty good. LOTS going on with 'kid' activities...and I managed pretty well with food choices...mainly veggies with a bit of meat thrown in :o)! Hey, gotta have the 'meat' in there...I'm married to a farmer and our freezers (yes, plural haha) are full of farm raised chicken, beef and pork...veggies too, as I freeze most of my garden 'goods'...
Ok, there I go again with the QUOTES..what's my deal with 'them'...HA!
I have WW WI on Tuesday...I did SO well today, I hope the scale is my friend and will be nice to me there...;O) we'll have to wait and see...I'm not a habitual 'weigh-in-er' so fingers crossed that I'll stay under my lifetime weigh in goal.
I gotta run...fighin' a nasty head yet from my nose incident (I totally think it's broken) and now a cold is settin' in...oh well, I'm still the luckiest lady out there with having a wonderful hubby and kiddos! Ya, know...I had a house full of kids this weekend...over niters and such...when you have a bunch of kids of very different ages ranging from 8-17 you really realize how blessed you are to have the kids you've got...HAHA! And how nice and quiet it is when all the company goes home! heeheee!
Hugs to my fs'ers! You ROCK!! You're all gonna have a great week ahead...I can FEEL it!! SMILES!

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