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07 Juni 2018

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
90,3 kg 0 kg 26,8 kg Schlecht
   (1 Kommentar) Zunahme von 7,9 kg pro Woche

03 Juni 2018

I am back to my Fatsecret family after being under doctors orders to not workout but recover from a surgery. I told them I would gain weight if I couldn't workout.
Succeed in doing just that I am now 51 and weight is 198 lbs. and I feel every pound. I read all of my Fatsecret buddy postings, but had to stop for awhile as I was getting very depressed as I could workout. I am very proud of all of your progress in my absence. I survived hurricane Irma during this time, but the park I use to workout in didn't and will not open until September so I really need motivation to get moving again.

Good news: I moved into a new apartment building and it's much quieter so I can sleep at night no more noisy neighbors. I know live on the third floor no neighbors above me but the heavenly father. My son has completed is first year at FAMU and is starting an internship on Monday for the summer. I am now driving a 2016 Nissan Versa. (Nice and saves me on gas and no major car repairs or bills and yes Butterfies are all over my interior as they represent 2nd chances and transformation.) I just finished a detox cleanse yesterday to jump start my workout. No cookies, cakes, ice cream or junk food in my kitchen presently.
Currently working on decorations for Church annual Italian dinner to be held Saturday. Purchase 2 tickets and gave them to an elderly couple on fixed income so they could enjoy a night out without worrying about paying. (Listening to Italian restaurant music while writing this entry. Promise no pasta just decorations although I did discover Gelato last year and love it.)I am also responsible for Fathers Day brunch décor as well as dinner after Christian concert next Sunday. (Local Christian rock group performing)

Dinner tonight: Salmon, riced cauliflower with garlic, string beans and an apple.

Bad news: I am going to have my first official weigh in tomorrow morning. I know weight has increased and I have pictures to prove it. (Sorry not posting any pictures for now not that brave yet.

Request: Motivational steps as I am not at cruising speed yet just put gas in the car and moving towards the on ramp of exercise. Dusted off sneakers, exercise clothing and put batteries in stationary bike monitor, still looking for my free weights.
Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
85,7 kg 0 kg 22,2 kg Recht gut
   (8 Kommentare) konstantes Gewicht

30 Mai 2016

Okay it's the end of May and I have to believe things are starting to turn around.

The employee who accused me of threatening her life, physically hitting her and sabotaging her work quit three weeks ago. In her abstinence management has discovered that there is at least 6 months work of back log work. I have been asked to step back into this old position to clear up the back log, while they look for a new employee.

It's amazing to me that after 13 years of working for this company, never missing a day unless sick, working non stop from the time I walk into the building to the time I leave, that all of my work was for nothing as they believed a 23 year old woman's allegations. (She resigned by sending an email to HR department that stated,"I quit effective as of this moment." and proceeded to her car and peeled out of the parking lot. Then a day later went on Facebook and ranted about my boss and the company.) I don't feel happy about her departure, as the other employees (who previously shunned me and believed every word she uttered) are now stating negative things about her. My response to them has been "what is done in the darkness will eventually come to the light" and Proverbs 12. Unfortunately most of them have no knowledge of the bible and or the understanding that uttering negative comments about anyone is a judgement and we are not to judge one another.

I have been praying for her for months now to grow up and realize that her actions are not helping her to better her situation and making life for her and her children even more difficult. I believe that every person has within in them the ability to change, but only they can make that choice.
I also believe that when you fall someone will be their to tell you to get up and start over again. This is why I love the Fat secret family.
Through tough times, tears and it all we stand strong.

Thanks again family.

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
85,7 kg 0 kg 22,2 kg Recht gut
   (14 Kommentare) Verlust von 0,2 kg pro Woche

07 April 2016

I have been home sick now for three days and I have to admit that I really needed the down time to think and re-prioritize the way I have been living the last 4 months. I fell back into the same old rut of going to work, working non-stop all day and then coming home and falling into bed and doing the same thing over and over again for 5 days a week and then trying to rest and recover on the weekends. What has this gotten me thus far? Packing on more weight and I have bulges that I never had before, my thighs are rubbing together and I have never had this in my life. Somewhere along the way I lost me from January to now. (Stressing out over work drama,car issues,apartment issues, and hospital bills.) The key word here was "WORRY". Keep in mind I have not had any cakes, cookies, ice cream or chocolate during these months but my weight kept climbing.

I went to visit my 80 year old neighbor on Sunday after church,(I was feeling so good and uplifted that I wanted to share the joy) who has been in the hospital for the last three month and took her a dress to wear so she would be comfortable going to rehab therapy. She took one look at me and said,"What happened your getting FAT" and didn't even bother to say Thanks for the dress. I cut my visit with her short and went home feeling so deflated and disgusted with myself. Worked like a dog on Monday and by that evening I knew I was coming down with a cold how bad I did not know.
Which brings me to today.

I got out of bed this afternoon and pulled on my exercise pants that are now snug and got on my exercise bike for thirty minutes. (Still blowing my nose but working out.) I realize that this may not help me get rid of the cold, but it made me feel better that I was making an effort to get back to me. I have let people dump their garbage on me for the last three months and I kept quiet. NO MORE!. I cleared out my kitchen of all junk food in January and have kept that clear of junk food and now it's time to clear out people in my life that are not supporting me and my efforts to improve me.

The weather has cleared up and I am hoping that by Sunday this nasty cold will be gone so I can go to church and come back home to do some exercise.

Yes, Fat Secret family I am pulling out of the rest stop area of the fat secret highway and getting back into the flow of traffic.

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
87,1 kg 0 kg 23,6 kg Recht gut
   (6 Kommentare) Zunahme von 0,4 kg pro Woche

19 März 2016

I had a female co-worker come up to me yesterday morning at work and ask if I had a boy friend. I responded by telling he not at the present time. She then told me okay, then you aren't looking for someone as this would explain your your weight. Have you just given up or you don't care. (This from a woman who wears a size 3 and is constantly talking about how many bottles of wine she put away over the weekend. My response to her comment was this,"God has a plan for me and when he has a suitable partner for me then he will put us together" then walked away from me. Not sure where this was coming from as we are not friends just co-workers and I never discuss my personal life with her or anyone at work as she is the biggest gossip in the office. Now if that was not bad enough I was sitting in the lunch room minding my own business drinking a cappuccino that I bought and reading a religious book.(Fasting no food until sunset). I had a male co-worker come up to me and try to see the title of the book I was reading. He then told me "People who read books think they know it all and want to be smarty pants". I looked at him and then the time clock on the wall and said,"look at that it's time for me to go back to work have a nice lunch. I then exited the lunch room as fast as possible. Did I miss the boat or has it become common place for people to just walk up to someone and dump all over them and walk away.

If this wasn't a bad morning I found out from landlord that apartment complex is now under new management and my current rent of $1099 will increase to $1210 when current contract expires in October and if I will be moving I will need to give them three months notice.(Really I can barely afford to pay the rent now and everywhere I look in the area rents are $1300 to $1400 a month. My current take home is $571 a week and after utilities, insurances, other bills I only have $26 dollars a month for groceries) I asked for a raise or a cost of living increase two years ago and was told company is having a hard time.(Yeah right, they then went out about 20 plasma screen tv's and hung them in all 24 locations to flash marketing advertisement to our customers all day cost per location $3,000.00.) I moved into this apartment 7 years a roommate and the rent was $800.00 (Roommate had to go after 30 days as she refused to pay her half of the rent, she and her friends ate all of my food and they ran up all of the utilities. Neighbors told me then that when I left to go to work there where multiple men coming and going from the apartment all day long and they thought we running a brothel. She even had the nerve to call the police on me and tell them that I stole a diamond necklace from her after me and my friends packed up her possessions into 8 small boxes. This chick was sleeping on my bed, bed linens, watching my television and living for free, turns out she even stole a couch from Rooms To Go with a fraudulent check. I found out when they called my cellphone asking me to give them money. Had to change my telephone number as she told them it was her number. Seven years and still getting letters from bill collectors trying to find her.) In January I had a guy from work ask me to move into the second bedroom, but when I told him that he would have to pay $650 a month for 1/2 rent and utilities and undergo a background check from the landlord he told me "Hell No" this after his parents kicked him out of their house. He's 35 years old, divorced and the father of two kids. So I don't have much faith in roommates right now. I had a younger friend tell me to sell everything and move to an apartment for $400 a month (Can you say roach motel and drug den.) She's 28 and lives in a nice apartment on the inter coastal with three other roommates who share each others clothing and go out to bars drinking every night. (Ah to be young and not responsible for anyone but yourself.) I have been managing to pay the rent by myself for 7 years now and struggling every month. Landlord told me that we will revisit the issue in July and see where we stand. She also told me that she loves how clean the apartment is and it's the best kept apartment in the complex and how much she loves to come in my apartment.(Yeah I never bother her or maintenance guys as I repair most things by myself and pest control comes out of my pocket every month.) Keep in mind that the walls are paper thin, patch jobs from holes and damages from prior tenants before me and they tried to cover up fire damage from previous tenant with paint. (Discovered this when I climbed up on top of counter to clean cabinets on top and found the damage non-disclosure). Web search Park Plaza Apartments, Ft. Lauderdale and she pictures of complex (Keep in mind pictures are at least 15 years old. She stated that new owners will be upgrading complex with new washers/dryers (instead of coin operated will be card operated) and they will be updating appliances in apartments (really I had to go out and buy my own burner for stove after maintenance guy kept saying it was a faulty wire converter, works fine with new burner).

I am praying for a miracle right now and trying not to stress or worry about this too. I just want to concentrate on loosing the weight as this is the only thing I seem to have some control over right now. Eight more days of Sunrise to Sunset fasting left. In light of the above comments and issues praying harder that something will change.

I did get up this morning at 4:00 am and walked over to the exercise room and to walk on the treadmill. I walked for 53 minutes, speed 2.5 for a total calorie burn of 250 calories and lifted some weights, will do DVD and bike later today.

Fat secret family I am sorry if you think my journal was negative or complaining today, but I need to write what I am going through right now. Stress has away of effecting each and everyone of us and this in turn affects our weight whether you realize it or not. It's not complaining or becoming a victim of a situation if you take it and turn it around into something positive. So for right now I am choosing to exercise, do some reading and meditation today and leave the last two day's behind as the future has yet to arrive and I can only work for today.

Transformation Butterfly's Gewichtsverlauf

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