7butterflies's Notizen

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02 Mai 2014

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
124,7 kg 0 kg 65,3 kg Recht gut
   Kommentar hinzufügen Zunahme von 1,6 kg pro Woche

28 April 2014

22 April 2014

No weight loss yet, but feel much more energy, and no 'brain fog', switched calorie counts several times, AND past history tells me my body takes 3 weeks to respond. Now working on fasting/prayer, low glycemic foods to lose weight, 1600 to 1700 calories with healthy nutrition (good food is good medicine) and daily walking starting with 15 minutes, twice a day plus strength training.

(Ps 105:1-3); don't spike insulin, causes harm to the body. (Romans 13:10)

Nutrition: Nourish (eph 5:25,)with fiber, fruits and vegetables, lean protein and dairy

Exercise: Walk 15 minutes a day, Strength train, (Prv 31) increase to 4 miles a day...till weight at healthy goal, then 2 miles daily for life...:)

Water: Hydrate (Gal 5:16) for healthy circulation, for fat metabolism, for joint health, and to be SURE that 'hunger' is not thirst.
Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
122,5 kg 0 kg 63,0 kg Recht gut
   Kommentar hinzufügen konstantes Gewicht

13 April 2014

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
122,5 kg 0 kg 63,0 kg Recht gut
   Kommentar hinzufügen konstantes Gewicht

03 April 2014

My daily encouragement in the Word to keep me on track...
What, know ye not that your BODY IS THE TEMPLE OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WHICH IS IN you, which you have of God and you are not your own, you are bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God's. 1 Cor 6:19

I am FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY made, that my soul knows right well Psalms 139

I will SATISFY your mouth with GOOD THINGS so your youth is renewed like the eagles. Psalms 103:1-5

NOURISH AND CHERISH your body, as Christ the Church...Eph 5:29

man does not live by bread alone but BY EVERY WORD that proceeds out of the mouth of God. Mt 4:4

As Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; Eph 5:25-29
That HE might SANCTIFY and CLEANSE it with the WASHING OF WATER BY THE WORD, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be HOLY and without BLEMISH.

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